Get Seen.

Unghosted is a monthly live-stream focused on helping job seekers get seen, and get hired.

Hosted by two veterans of the Technology industry with 10+ years of reviewing resumes, interviewing and hiring thousands.

Taylor is a talent advocate, speaker and tech recruiter with a track record of helping job seekers in tech find jobs faster and engineering leaders hire and scale teams more efficiently all through the power of content. Taylor hosts a daily live-stream called Guidance Counselor 2.0 and runs a communtiy for Job Seekers

Alishah spent the bulk of his career as a Software Engineer, Engineering Manager, and Director before pivoting his career towards Product Management. Alishah created the LinkedIn #OpenToHelping movement and shares resources and tips on his site.


Want to get on Unghosted?

Whether it's reviewing resumes, running mock interviews, each episode of Unghosted features live interactions with job-seekers.

Interested in making an appearance?

Fill out the form and we'll be in touch!


The Official Unghosted Resume Template

Past Episodes